Friday, January 4, 2013

8 Simple Rules for Healthier Eating in 2013

Do not even buy it and order water instead when dining out (it’s cheaper anyways). Diet soda is no better. Still not convinced? Studies show that sugar-loaded drinks may lead to obesity, diabetes, and even cancer. Cut out sugary sports drinks while you’re at it!

You already know the food at fast food chains is unhealthy, so avoid them all together. Some chains offer up “healthy” options, but I guarantee you can whip up something at home that is cheaper, fresher and healthier! Plan meals ahead of time so you don’t end up hungry at 1AM with no other options.

This is America, there is going to be pizza. As long as you have some moderation, feel free to partake in the company pizza party. (Bonus points for choosing veggie and dabbing of the grease.) I love the taste so I make the dish using whole wheat english muffins with sauce and fresh mozzarella.

The outskirts of the supermarket are where all your nutritional staples are; Milk, produce, bread. Once you start browsing the isles, you will just be tempted to buy processed snacks. So, just stay away!

Always eat food off of a plate, not out of a box. Look at the serving sizes and use a measuring cup if you need to. You’re brain takes a while to register when you are full, so taking this extra step prevents middles overeating. And eat your meal on a plate, on a table-NOT in front of the TV.

This is a tough one. But once you cut them out you will realize how unnecessary of a side they are. I found myself eating fries just because they came with the meal. Order a healthier alternative like fresh fruit. Or bake healthy potato wedges at home if you get a craving.

Always, always choose real fruit over sugary juice. While orange juice seems pretty innocent, take a look at the sugar (and hidden preservatives)! Eat an orange instead. Or invest in a blender or juicer.

I LOVE bread and carbs and could never give them up. Plus carbohydrates are necessary for athletes. Instead, choose whole wheat bread, crackers, and pasta. Most Americans do not get enough fiber and this will help. You won’t even notice a difference if you toast the bread!

Photo Credits1. Photo by: La Piazza Pizzeria, via Flickr2. Photo by: @notnixon, via Flickr3. Photo by:  Instant Vantage via Flickr4. Photo by  BuzzFarmers via Flickr5. Photo by: gailf548 via Flickr6. Photo by:  freefotouk via Flickr7. Photo by:  theseanster93 via Flickr8. Photo by: Shellie @ Firefly Creek via Flickr

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